Jan 1, 2015

Crossing Zebras and Hellcats Reloaded

Just a short update on some cool things that have happened in the last week or two.

First, Dian Lung has launched a reboot of my old corp Hellcats under the name Hellcats Reloaded. I'm so happy to see her run with that and looking forward to seeing how it evolves.

Second, Xander Phoena of Crossing Zebras has asked me to write for them. The focus of my articles will be "EVEtrepreneurs"--those players who take the initiative to create or organize something for the community, whether it's a one-time or ongoing offering, whether it's large or small, new or old. My editor at CZ, Niden Sommer, suggested I write about Hellcats Reloaded for my debut article and provide a Hellcats retrospective as background. My first article "EVEtrepreneurs: Hellcats Reloaded" has been published and you can read it here. Please do leave comments on the CZ post and on Reddit.

As a follow-up, Rixx Javix has published an article about his experiences with women in Eve and how they shaped his rookie experience and perception of the game. I am hoping to feature as many women Eve players as possible in my EVEtrepreneur series of articles. But of course, every player who's doing something interesting, useful, or fun for the community is a potential subject and you should let me know about them!

Please send your suggestions to me via Evemail, or email (mynxeeofeve at gmail dot com), or find me on Skype (Mynxee). Thanks and fly safe (or dangerous, as you prefer)!


  1. Got my eye on you for an interview and article, old friend!

  2. Sniff....brings back old memories.....

    1. I expect you'll be undocking with us sometimes :P
